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3 Minutes of Cold
Unbelievable Health Benefits

Whole-Body Cryotherapy is a non-invasive 3 minute cold treatment used to rapidly cool the skin's surface over the whole body with the intent of tricking the brain. The result is a system-wide response by the body where it's natural cold defenses are activated. The systemic reactions that take place when the body engages it's "survival mode" are how each benefit is achieved.


Johnny Walker, UFC Heavyweight


The process involves standing inside our Cryotherapy chamber wearing your undergarments as well as provided gloves, socks, and slippers. Safe & breathable super cooled air flows into the chamber reducing the temperature below -220 degrees Fahrenheit. The absence of moisture in this highly controlled environment results in a cold, but tolerable treatment. Each session is monitored in full by a certified technician trained to uphold our stringent safety procedures.

Health Benefits

Inflammation Reduction

Training &




Immune &




Cryotherapy - Frequently Asked Questions

    No, nitrogen is a non toxic gas that is present in the air we breathe every day.
    Each session is monitored and administered by a trained technician. The technician will show you to our private cryotherapy room where you will be educated on the process before you begin your session. We generally start your experience at a beginner temperature, but can go colder if you have prior cold exposure experience. Once pre-cooled, you will enter the cryo chamber, and your technician will monitor the session. The treatment will last a maximum of 3 minutes, however, you may end your session at any time.
    Before entering the cryo sauna you will be provided with protective clothing comprised of knee high socks, slippers, and gloves. Men are required to wear undergarments. You will also be provided with a robe, which you will remove once you enter the sauna. Only your hands and face are visible to the technician while in the sauna, so as to preserve modesty during the treatment.
    We do accommodate walk in sessions, however clients with appointments receive first priority.
    Safety is our first and foremost priority at West Omaha Cryotherapy. For this reason we have some requirements potential clients must meet to be eligible for whole body cryotherapy treatments. Limitations are as follows: Pregnancy, severe Hypertension (BP> 180/100), acute or recent myocardial infarction, unstable angina pectoris, arrhythmia, symptomatic cardiovascular disease, cardiac pacemaker, peripheral arterial occlusive disease, venous thrombosis, acute or recent cerebrovascular accident, uncontrolled seizures, Raynaud’s Syndrome, fever, tumor disease, symptomatic lung disorders, bleeding disorders, severe anemia, infection, cold allergy, acute kidney and urinary tract diseases. In addition, there is an age restriction of 13 years or older. However, if the child is ahead of the development curve we do allow younger. We require a legal guardians signature of a waiver for clients 18 years or younger.
    The frequency of treatment depends on the condition you are attempting to treat. Whole body cryotherapy treatments can be administered as frequently as twice in a single day. In general, 5 - 10 consecutive initial treatments will deliver the most profound results, followed by spaced out treatments to maintain and improve upon your initial results. Contact one of our knowledgeable technicians to detail a personalized treatment plan for your individual needs.
    It is a dry gaseous cold, which results in a more tolerable cold, even to those who consider themselves cold intolerant.
    Performed in a clinical setting, m-HBT has repeatedly been shown to be extremely safe. The only noted side effects have been limited to higher-pressure chambers used to treat acute life-threatening conditions in hospitals, and even those side effects are very rare. It should be noted that the only absolute contraindication for undergoing HBT is a collapsed lung (pneumothorax). Areas of concern would be: Severe lung or heart disease: This is because we would not want fluid to build up into the lungs. Uncontrolled Diabetes: This is because we do not want the blood sugars to drop too low if HBT was combined with overdose of diabetic drug therapy. History of Seizure or Uncontrolled fever: This is because we would be concerned with exacerbating seizure activity, particularly if blood sugars are low. Changes in Vision: This is rare and a temporary change in vision that has been associated with higher pressure chambers and not m-HBT. Changes in vision include getting either a little worse (Myopia) or better (Presbyopia). Note: these cases are rare and associated with higher oxygen dosages. If you notice any changes, please let the attendant know and don’t worry as the vision tends to go back to its original state within 3 months from discontinuing the sessions. For that reason, it is not advised to change prescriptions during this time period. Cataracts: Though HBT cannot cause cataracts, this procedure may cause formed cataracts to mature more quickly. Pregnancy: As a precaution, HBT is not used during pregnancy unless indicated for acute life-threatening conditions. Current upper respiratory infections, chronic sinusitis or sinus problems: These conditions cause a higher probability of problems during pressurization and are generally recommended to be treated before going into HBT. Claustrophobia: Some clients may suffer from Claustrophobia. This is managed by maintaining communication, and use of relaxation technique. If you have a problem with this condition please let us know

Study Links

Weight Loss (menopause)

“Whole-body cryotherapy, assuming the application of 20 treatments in the series, reduces abdominal obesity in menopausal women indirectly through the secretion of irisin and IL-6, and can be used as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of metabolic syndrome”


"As expected, the 7 days-after-injury group showed fewer inflammatory signs, observed by a decrease in cellular infiltration. In this period, it is also possible to note an intense regeneration process through the presence of many small fibers"


"two weekly 3 min WBC sessions on adaptations to a 6 week strength and endurance training programme."

Chronic Pain

"Whole-body cryotherapy demonstrated a reduction in both pain and disease activity, with temperatures of at least − 110 °C having the best results. Results also indicate that local cryotherapy can be an effective therapy in providing pain relief in patients"

"Analysis of pain intensity using the VAS showed significant improvement after therapy in the study group. The decrease in LBP was statistically significant (p < 0.0001). As expected, WBCT combined with therapeutic exercises resulted in changes in plasma concentrations of β-endorphin, cortisol as well as of adrenaline. The distribution of the variables analyzed was not consistent with normal distribution."

"A significant decrease was observed between the initial and final PNRS, ODI, and RMQ scores (p < 0.001). A significant reduction in the PNRS was found after 4 sessions of whole-body cryotherapy (p < 0.001). We observed decreasing values of pro-inflammatory serum marker IL-2 (p = 0.046) and a significant increase in the anti-inflammatory serum marker IL-10 (p = 0.003)"

Myofascial Pain Syndrome

“The findings in this study show statistically significant data on the analgesic effects of whole body cryotherapy in patients with myofascial syndrome, as evidenced by the decrease in perceived pain (VAS) and measured pain (PPT).”

Depression/ Mental disorders

Efficacy of the Whole-Body Cryotherapy as Add-on Therapy to Pharmacological Treatment of Depression—A Randomized Controlled Trial - PMC

"The results show evidence for a statistically significant difference in the clinical assessment of depressive symptoms according to HAM-D 17 scale (T4 by group interaction p=0.02), BDI-II (T2 time by group interaction p=0.01), cognitive-affective BDI dimension (T4 by group interaction p=0.00), and somatic BDI dimension (T4 by group interaction p=0.028). Significant improvement was also noticed in life quality (p < 0.05), self-assessed mood (p=0.035)"
-10 sessions over 2 weeks

Whole-body cryotherapy as adjunct treatment of depressive and anxiety disorders - PMC (anxiety)

“The statistical comparison of the average decrease in the scores within groups is central to testing the efficacy of WBCT as an adjunctive treatment. This average decrease was significantly greater in the study group (Z= −3.722, p<0.001 and Z= −4.346, p<0.001, respectively). In the second week of treatment (T2–T3) there was again a significant decrease in depressive (Z= −4.160, p<0.001) and anxiety (Z= −4.379, p<0.001) symptoms within the study group”

Mental health disorders

“WBC showed a large effect from pre-treatment to post-treatment for all mental health problems it is applied to”


“Almost for each individual HDRS item, the overall score for all patients together was significantly lower after WBCT. This means that all symptoms, except for day–night mood fluctuations, were presumably positively influenced by cryotherapy. The HDRS sum-score for each patient after WBCT was lower than that of the baseline and reached statistical significance in a paired samples t-test. Every patient was therefore considerably relieved after WBCT.”

Restless Leg Syndrome

“Whole body cryotherapy at -60°C and, to a less extent, local cryotherapy seem to be a treatment option for RLS”


“Since there is no proven inflammatory component in fibromyalgia, it has been postulated that cryotherapy through a reduction of oxidants levels may reduce muscular damage and accelerate recovery after normal physical activity. As a consequence pain and fatigue may substantially improve reducing symptomatology and improving physical function in these patients. Cryotherapy also relieves stress by the activation of neuroendocrine and metabolic functions and it is known that in patients with fibromyalgia stress is an important component”

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